Low Self Esteem
Low self confidence
Low self esteem issues only tend to become visible when you suffer from some other mental health issue such as Bereavement or Depression.
To be affected by both at the same time could have significant impact on your life.
It is very common to have grief / bereavement or depression issues when suffering from low self esteem. We will work together to identify what is impacting you – try to help you clear your head in tackling the issues and bring clarity to your life.
* * * I have many clients who suffer from low self-esteem along with another problem. It is very common. We will work on this * * *
Low Self Esteem
This is about your own personal worth. A person with low self-esteem does not value themselves. I believe it is quite broad, in that these people do not see their own value and do not feel positive about their contribution to life. It usually originates in childhood and consequently if left untreated it will lead to depression and/or anxiety.
Low Self Confidence
This is doubting your own ability to succeed. This can be anything, such as at work or sport or painting a room. This is different from low esteem, and is more a process of helping a person regain their confidence.
Low Self Esteem and Bereavement
You may suffer from low self esteem. Couple low self esteem and bereavement may impact your own views on getting over bereavement. It is not uncommon. I can work with you on these subjects.
Symptoms of Low Self Esteem
Not liking yourself
Not feeling good enough
Blaming yourself unnecessarily
Thinking no-one likes you
No being forward with your viewpoint
Feeling inadequate in social situations
(feeling inadequate at work is self-confidence)

Grief and Self Esteem
If you already have some issues with low self esteem. Then the the grief will compound your problems. Low self esteem affects many people overcoming grief / bereavement.
Redundancy (loss)
Redundancy and leaving a job unexpectedly can be a painful experience. Over the years I have seen a lot from management, HR and employee viewpoint.
It is a loss (loss of job). Grieving usually occurs.
It may also trigger negative thoughts about yourself in esteem and confidence. Depression and Stress often occur.
Impending redundancy or thoughts about losing ones job trigger the same emptions.
Overall the thought and impact are quite complex. Please call me, I understand the situation well. I can help you with your emotions and coming to terms with your life.
Depression counselling will take the form of sessions where we talk through the problem. I will give you homework, things to think about over the next week. The process is about the two of us working together to help you.